Jan 2011
Dr Nordan Otzer took a break from his village-to-village educational project in Nubra Valley to fly from Ladakh to New Delhi to undergo extensive training in the reading of “Pap Smear” test results which will greatly enhance the diagnostic capabilities of the Himalayan Women’s Heath Project efforts.
Dr Nordan also took the opportunity to escort another patient from Nubra Valley that was diagnosed with a potentially sight threatening eye tumor to the Axis Eye Clinic in Hyderabad. There, our skilled ally and friend Dr Ramesh Murthy performed the delicate surgery and now Mrs. Tsering has returned to Ladakh with her condition treated and her sight restored.
Dr. Ramesh Murthy, Mrs. Tsering and Dr Nordan at Axis Eye Clinic in Hyderabad, IndiaGreater communication capability
While in New Delhi, Dr. Nordan also took delivery of several vital new pieces of equipment that will greatly enhance his ability to communicate the basic fundamentals of women’s health to the female population of the remote Nubra Valley.
A brand new DELL laptop computer was generously donated by “friend of the project” Mr. Boon Tan of Singapore. This will greatly enhance the ability of Dr Nordan to provide presentations to the female population of the villages which he will be hiking to during the winter months of 2011. It will also be an indispensable asset for patient records and data accumulation as well as international communication.
In addition, an excellent portable battery powered projector was secured for Dr Nordan so that he can offer women’s health presentations more effectively to larger groups of women.
Internet link to Nubra Valley
In order to enhance the virtually non-existent commutation service into the remote Nubra Valley, we will be securing a satellite internet facility for the Himalayan Women’s Health Project. This will enable Dr Nordan to share his data and also collaborate on diagnosis, treatment and evacuation of patients with his international medical colleagues. The system will utilize the geostationary satellite positioned above north India and allow basic email and internet capabilities to be utilized. This will be enormously beneficial in bringing allies and assets to bear toward the goals of the project.
The official email address for the project will be: